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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hi everyone!!! Abt 1 week plus nvr post le.
Someone call mi to blog again =.=
Zzzz..... And oso for the sake of keepin it alive bah.
Lets talk abt yesterday things.
Yesterday had Nafa for the 5 stations.
Overall quite ok luh. Oni the inclined pull up like shit onli =.=
Others all okok :)
After the Nafa thingy went home wif John.
Reached home tat time damm tired la...
Untill today my whole body still like pain =.=
Zzzz~~ luckily tmr no sch :)
If nt confirm very tired n borin de. Hahas~~
Tats all for the post.
Kk byebye :D
~Privilege Is Mine~

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hello everyone!!! Long time nvr post liao.
Coz dunno wad to post everyday... I wonder hw others can blog everyday.... Hahas :]
Anyway start off wif today bah.
Went to sch as usual wif Hasmin.
Today very bored as the lessons is like...
Thn after sch gt Maths Srp untill 3+.
Thn went to games room to play few rounds of table soccer before goin home wif Hasmin John n Calvin.
Took 119 wif Hasmin bk... He asked mi to play soccer at a hall.
Thn jiu go luh played untill abt nw thn reach home :D
Tats all lah... Btw i wun be postin so often :)
KK byes ^^
~Privilege Is Mine~

Friday, March 12, 2010

Has nt been postin tis few days.
Coz nth much to post plus my lazyness to post.
So... Yesterday went to Hgm after sch wif John to eat.
Thn after tat went to play soccer at Jp house there.
Called Hasmin to brin soccer ball down.
Play for abt quite long bah~~
Play untill 6+ thn go home wif Hasmin all.
Tats all~~ Its one week sch holiday luh...
Plannin wad to do over tis one week of holidays :D
~Privilege Is Mine~

Monday, March 8, 2010

Today such a borin day -.-
Started off wif eng for 2 periods...
Okok luh didnt do much things.
After tat it was pe, nidda run for 3 n half rounds outside sch thn can play.
Lol tis time round i think i improve in my time... Hahas nt bad uhs...
Thn went to play soccer at field wif many of my class de guys.
After recess 3 periods of maths. Dunno y juz feel sleepy in class.
Thn sch ends went to see Inter class game at hall.
After tat went to play soccer awhile wif Jp before goin home :]
~Privilege Is Mine~

Friday, March 5, 2010

Roadrun today~~ No sch.... :]
Walk all the way wif Calvin Weiwen n John till sch.
Hahas nvr even sweat untill sia at most abit??
After takin the 2nd time attendence jiu can go le.
Went home thn bathe n change before meetin Rayson.
Lol i'm the 1st to reach Mac sia.... Thn Rayson came.
Thn sit at Mac to wait for others to come thn suddenly gt one mac person came up to mi n Rayson askin whether we wan to work in Mac nt =.=
Lol~~ I dun think i'm goin to work la... Btt i think Rayson n Peipei agreed bah.
After tat went to pool wif V jp yq Rayson John... Hav fun lah...
Thn leave hougang plaza at abt 6 n went to hav Mac before goin home :D
~Privilege Is Mine~

Monday, March 1, 2010

Today get bk my Compre results n Ss results.
Comprehension get 13.5/25 while Ss get 13/30 nia -.-
Alot ppl in my class failed their Ss.
Well... I do feel quite contented wif my eng results tis time.
I get 31.5/50 if it is add up together :]
Btt for my Ss... Oni dissapointment.... :(
Today Mr Tay nvr come gotten 6 free periods :D
Hahas free periods oso no use. No one to talk to de =.=
So slept awhile luh...
After sch went to Hougang CC wif Yanqing n Venessa becoz V wanted to get her purse bk.
After tat went home thn go out again to pool wif Rayson n Yq.
Jp n Maverick was there too.
Played for quite some time... After we want to go, other ppl wanted to play 2 on 2 wif us.
Mi n Yq team up to play and we won :)
Btt last round mi n Rayson team up, we lost eventually.
Lols btt nvm lah play tat time confirm gt win gt lose de mahs.
So.... Nvm luh went home after tat.
Hope tmr Mr Tay gt come thn can get bk Maths paper :]
Tats all~~ Byes!!! ^^
~Privilege Is Mine~

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Pool n Mahjong today~~~
Went to pool in the mornin wif John.
Played for 2 hrs...
Thn went to mich's house to play mahjong.
Lols played for quite long...
Thn dinner-ed at her house too :]
After tat mi n john escort Qx home before we went off.
Tats all :D
Short uhs?? Hahas~~ Byes!!!
~Privilege Is Mine~


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